Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?
It works like a car shade does, by blocking the sun’s radiant heat. A layer of radiant barrier inside the pad reflects the sun’s heat. Less heat entering the pool means the pool stays cooler.
Do I use less Chlorine when Lily Chillers™ are on the pool?
Absolutely! The Sun burns up Chlorine. That is why pools need stabilizer. By blocking the sun you are preventing chlorine from being burned up.
Can you connect them together?
No. This is one of the top questions we get, and is usually related to making the pads easier to pull out. In our testing we found that when the pads were connected the pool water got extremely dirty. We found that if when the water is allowed to move around freely, the traps are allowed to do their job and collect the surface dirt. When the pads are connected together the surface water is not allowed to move. When you removed the pads you were left with a very messy pool. Letting them free float around solves this problem.
How long do they last?
We're pool owners too so we've experienced the large amount of low quality floats and pool products. We made sure we used a thick high quality vinyl, large heat seals and a high quality 3 stage valve that makes it simple to inflate and deflate. Based on our testing, if you are not rough with the pads and don't put them on rough surfaces they should last 2-4 seasons.  Eventually the foil inside the pad will break down and will loose it's effectiveness. 
How do they work if you don't see the foil?
The heat blocking properties of aluminum still work even if you don't visibly see it. The foil will still block the radiant heat that passes through the vinyl layer and prevent it from entering your pool.
Will the wind blow them out of the pool?
Staying in the pool was a top requirement when developing Lily Chiller Pads™. The center portion does not inflate which allows it to lay flat on the surface of the water. The overall weight of the pad makes the inflated outer ring sink into the water a little. The combination of these two features prevents wind from getting under the pad and keeps it in the pool.
Why are there holes in the middle?
These are drain holes. They prevent the pad from sinking when it rains by allowing the water to flow through the pad to the pool.
Will rain sink them?
The two drain holes in the middle allow rain to pass through the pad to the pool, preventing it from sinking.
Can you keep them in one area of your pool?
Yes! We recommend buying a pool safety rope. They have floats attached to the rope every few feet that allow the rope to float. This rope allows you to corral all the pads in one area of your pool. We've found this works best if you corral the pads to cover the deep end of the pool.
Do I really need them?
Is your pool warmer than you would like? If it is, then you need them. There are other options for cooling your pool but we have found they are either to expensive, too cumbersome to use, or they didn't cool enough.
How many do I need?
How do you store them during the winter?
Simply pop out the middle valve to deflate the pad, then fold it down into a rectangle. Make sure the pads are fully dry before folding and storing them. 
How do you get them out of the pool?
Grab the outer ring and lift it out of the pool. The pads tend to stay near the edge of the pool. If a pad is stuck in the middle of the pool you can use your pool brush to gently pull it to the edge of the pool so you can pick it up.
How do you clean them?
Dirt and grime tends to accumulate on the surface of the pads over time. Most of it can be removed by simply running water over the top of the pad. If the pads require a deeper cleaning just mix a little dish soap with water and using a wash cloth to scrub the top of the pad. If the pads develop mildew on them we suggest mixing a little bleach with water and use a wash cloth to scrub the top. Always rinse the pads thoroughly after using soap or bleach before returning to your pool. 
Where do you put them when you are swimming?
Simply stack them up next to your pool. Make sure the surface is non abrasive. 
Are there other options for cooling your pool?
Yes. There are heat pumps which is basically an air conditioning unit for your pool. They work great but are thousands of dollars to install and run. There are Chillers which are mini cooling towers. They do a good job but have a limit on how cool it can get the water. They also cost thousands of dollars to install and run. There are full pool covers that completely block the sun from entering your pool. They also work but are hard to take off and put back on every time you want to swim. Lastly you can install a fountain in your pool. We found it typically takes a lot of fountains to make a difference. Fountains also require your pool pump to run, usually overnight to make the most difference.
Will they keep heat in the pool, making it easier to heat?
Surprisingly this is a common question. Yes, they will keep heat in the pool because aluminum blocks heat from leaving the pool just like it blocks heat from entering the pool. If you heat your pool in the winter just cover your pool with Lily Chiller Pads™ and your pool will heat up faster. It will also stay warmer so your heater doesn't have to constantly run. 
Lily Chillers LLC
4100 Eldorado Pkwy Ste 100-202
Mckinney, TX 75070
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